Church in Regensdorf
Regensdorf, CH 2023
The Regensdorf Reformed Church was built in 1705.
With the renovation and interior remodelling in 2022/23, a bright, friendly church interior was once again created, which can be used multifunctionally in addition to church services and concerts.
A large wheel chandelier with two inscribed metal rings and twelve alabaster lights hangs above the baptismal font. The gleaming piece of jewellery marks the centre of the church and makes the church interior shine. In collaboration with the architects and lighting designers, a unique piece from our Ocular family was created in our manufactory.
In cooperation with:
client: evangelisch reformierte Kirchgemeinde Furttal
architectsts: Architekten-Kollektiv AG, Winterthur
Schwyter Benz Architekten AG, Zürich
lighting design: fokusform GmbH, Zürich
photographer: Christian Schwager, Winterthur
wheelchandelier –design / concept / lightingdesign:
fokusform, Zürich
Architekten-Kollektiv, Winterthur
Bivgrafik, Zürich
Licht im Raum by Dinnebier Licht GmbH